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The Big Sea

Click on the musical note above to view lyrics while playing a song, or click here to read them alone:

Notes . . .

1.  Nothing Wrong With Me

For the person who told us:  “I just want people to stop treating me like there’s something wrong with me.”  Obviously there is a health problem, but that doesn’t mean there is something wrong with them as a person, or that they aren’t still living a full life.

2.  One More Dau

When you’re diagnosed many people will provide you with lots of support, but as time goes on they understandably return to their normal routines.  Sometimes what you need the most is just for them to spend another hour or day with you.

3.  Hum This Tune

People will tell you that they’re praying for you.  Whatever you may believe, it can be helpful to know that others are thinking about you and holding you in their hearts.  This was written for a beloved friend who had lived on opposite sides of the globe, so at any time of day prayers were being lifted up for them in some part of the world.

4.  You Can't See Me

A real-life reflection on a parent and grandparent

5.  Long Night

Anyone who has had a diagnosis or even a scare knows what it’s like to lay awake through the night.  As the song says about sleep:  it used to be easy—it’s not anymore.

6.  Big Sea

Many people refer to cancer as the “Big C.”  We think of it instead as a Big Sea—sometimes turbulent, sometimes calm.  When you get a diagnosis or learn that you need to go back into treatment, there is not much choice but to dive in and cope with it.  But as you’re swimming in that big sea, have faith that one day you will be safe on the shore with those who love you.

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