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The Big Sea

The Big Sea is a collection of songs inspired by and written for people with cancer, and for those who love them and care for them.


In our experience, popular culture usually portrays cancer as inevitably tragic or as a disease that is quickly and easily treated.  Real life isn’t like that.  These songs are based on the authentic experiences of people dealing with cancer, either as patients or caregivers.  


The people for whom these songs were written described their actual lives—including the anxieties, the changes in the ways other people saw them, the moments of encouragement, the stories of hope and kindness, and more.  It helped them to know that many other people have had similar experiences as they go about their lives.


They urged us to share the songs with you.  Whatever your taste in music, if one phrase or melody brings you comfort or encouragement, then we ask only that you share it with others who are coping with cancer and with their loved ones.  


This was created for you, with faith that you too will rise from the Big Sea.

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